Boutique del Fumador (The Smokers Shop)
This cigar shop has the popular Dominican Cohiba cigars, which is one of the best-known local brands. You can watch the cigars being rolled and even have a sample. They have some of the freshest cigars in the Colonial Zone. Buy 1 cigar or an entire box. The staff is very attentive and friendly and they speak English.
Hours: 9AM to 7PM Monday thru Saturday, 10AM to 3PM Sunday and Holidays
Contact: 809-685-6425 Miguel Montilla (owner)
Directions: Calle el Conde #109 in front of Parque Colon, Colonial Zone, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Cigar King This cigar has a very good selection of cigars, both Dominican and Cuban, in a temperature controlled room.
Contact: 809-686-4987
Directions: Calle Conde #208, Baguero Building, Zona Colonial
Picture of a made in Dominican Republic Cohiba Cigar...yummmmm
CIGAR SHOPS in Colonial Zone
Farmacia Salcedo
A nice little pharmacy that will do home delivery.
Hours: 8AM to 9PM (open some Sundays and Holidays)
Contact: 809-689-6332
Location: Arz. Merino #459 and General Cabral, Zona Colonial, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Farmacia Dr. Báez
This pharmacy has a good supply of medicines and if they do not have it they will try and find it for you. They also have some interesting gift and other items that you might not find elsewhere.
Home delivery is avbailable
Contact: 809-682-0962 and 809-688-8087
Location: Arzobispo Meriño #401, Cudad Colonial, República Dominicana
Promese Cal - Farmacia del Pueblo
These are the government run pharmacies located throughout the Dominican Republic. These pharmacies give the people the best prices available for generic medications including Antibiotics/ Antibioticos, Vitamins/ Vitaminas, Flu and Allergy Medicines/ Medicinas Gripe y Alergias and much more.
There are 2 locations in Ciudad Colonial on 19 De Marzo #112 and Nouel with Santome
You can check their web site for their medications and prices and also all the locations throughout the country.
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