Santo Domingo Parks & Plazas
The capital city of Santo Domingo has so many parks, plazas and green areas to sit and relax all over this sprawling city. The many great parks and plazas are places where the Dominican people like to spend their time. Relaxing, enjoying, being with friends and family or just sitting in the sun or under a nice shade tree watching the world pass by.
Get outside and visit our parks and plazas.
Parque Eugenio María de Hostos
Video – Los Parques del Ayuntamiento del Distrito Nacional (ADN) – Santo Domingo Invita – A video of the parks in the Santo Domingo run by the National District City Council – Santo Domingo Invites You!
You will always see people sitting in a park. Maybe taking a mid day snooze, having a drink with friends or just enjoying the breeze. Everyone in this Caribbean country likes being out of doors.

The parks throughout the Dominican Republic are the places where people meet and greet. Some of the parks or plazas are small and intimate and others are vast spaces where many of our cultural activities are held. Many of these parks have many different activities including concerts, art exhibits and other events and happenings.