Panoramic Images Page 1
(To see the pictures in full panoramic view click the image then click the little magnifying glass and you can see the full-sized image)
1. Ciudad Colonial | 2.Hot Air Balloons |
3. Sun Set | 4. Ciudad Colonial and the Caribbean Sea

Ciudad Colonial – 2013
The panorama view of Ciudad Colonial from atop a six-story building looking down. To the left is Calle Padre Billini and far in the distance is the Caribbean Sea. You can see the distant line of the new city of Santo Domingo with all the tall buildings and Hotels. Toward the center of the picture is a very large brown building. That is Edificio Díez that sits on the Calle el Conde and Hostos. Move further to the right the bright white tower with the clock is the Palacio Consistorial and the large stone building is the Cathedral of Santa Maria, Catedral de Santo Domingo, Primada de América. Then you come to Calle Isabel la Catolíca with the columned porch of the Palacio de Borgellá. In the distance you can see the red domed roof of the Panteón Nacional and the bridge over the Rio Ozama in the background.

Hot Air Balloons – 2012
Hot Air Balloons and a Helicopter over the Colonial Zone. Calle Isabel La Catolíca and the Cathedral on the left and the Casa del Sacramento on the right with the red roof.

Sun Set – 2012
The sun setting over the first Cathedral in the Americas and the Casa del Sacramento along Calle Isabel la Catolica in the Colonial City.

Ciudad Colonial looking toward the Caribbean Sea – 2011
This picture is taken in Ciudad Colonial looking toward the Caribbean Sea. You can see the Port San Souci on the left. Moving along it the Faro San Souci at Punta Torrecilla at the mouth of Rio Ozama. Looking down Calle Isabel la Catolíca. The Caribbean Sea is in the distance with the state of Fray Anton de Montesinos on the right.