The way Dominicans Speak / Cómo Hablamos Dominicanos – Dominicanismos Dictionary
The slang used in Dominican Republic.
M – eme
(la) macaste – you did it wrong, or you messed up
Machucar or Machacar – to smash or crush (as in I smashed my toe.)
Mai – mom; mamá; mother
Maipiolo – someone that is a match-maker. Looks for a partner for another, fixes someone up
Mamajuana – A typical Dominican drink made with herbs and roots with rum, honey and vine added. Some may have animal parts added supposed to be good for men’s potency. (more information on mamajuana)
Mandamás – big shot, boss
‘Mano – short for hermano, brother. Used when greeting a good friend. “oye mi mano” (“hey my brother”)
Manso (man-so); Mansito – tranquilo; cool; relaxing; chillin’. Can also mean a non-aggressive domesticated animal.
Mala pata – bad luck, is the same as mala suerte
Mata – tree
Matantan – very street smart and hardcore individual
Maricon – gay man
Masamorra – athletes feet or foot disease
(La) Máxima – When a person brags “I am the best” or “I am the most outstanding”.
Mayimbe – boss, big shot
Medio Pollo – coffee with milk
Menta – mint, refers to all types of candy
Mentahol – Hall’s Mentholated Cough Drops, hard menthol cough drops and chiclets
Mentahol – Hall’s Mentholated Cough Drops, hard menthol cough drops
Mishu – how to call a cat to come here (instead of saying pssspsssp)
Mol – Mall, as in shopping mall
Molineo – Using the drug “molly” to get high. Molly is the slang name for the drug ecstasy or MDMA.
Mono – monkey, a person that is annoying
Moños, greñas, pajón, corbeja, afro – used to describe frizzy hair
Montro (a) – dude, buddy, pal.
Morena, Moreno – the brown color of the skin. You will hear someone call out to another “Oy Morena!”
Muñecas Limé – these are a fancy version of the famous faceless dolls.
Muñecas Limé – the doll of limé was created in 1981 by sculpture Mere Liliana. The original is not made now but copies can be found in most gift shops around the country. It is a faceless clay figure in a long dress.