Casa de las Gárgolas/ House of the Gargoyles and The Fundación Dominicana de Desarrollo
Nestled between the home of Juan Viloria and the Casa de los Jesuitas is the Casa de las Gárgolas. The original residence of Don José Fernández. Built in the early sixteenth century, it is one of the oldest homes in the Colonial City.

The casa later became home to a group called Compañía de Jesús. Through this houses existence it has housed various councils, the Haitian Occupation and more. It was also the home where poet Emilio Prud’Homme and musician José Reyes collaborated to commemorate the Restauración in 1897.

Casa de las Gárgolas
The building is now called the Casa de las Gárgolas (House of the Gargoyles), named for the six gargoyles that decorate the facade of the building. These mythological animals, it was believed, chased away evil spirits and protected the inhabitants. These gargoyles not only protect, they are water drainage devices that are thought to have come from the original Cathedral de Santa María.

The Fundación Dominicana de Desarrollo
The Casa de las Gárgolasis the home of The Fundación Dominicana de Desarrollo (Dominican Development Foundation). The song that was to become the Himno Nacional of Republica Dominicana (National Hymn of Dominican Republic) was written here August 17, 1883.

Calle Las Mercedes between Calle las Damas and Isabel la Catolica.