A Google map of the Colonial Zone sights, museums, monuments, parks, plazas and other points of interest.
Our map of Colonial Zone in Santo Domingo / Mapa de la Zona Colonial de Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic / República Dominicana. It is a work in progress map of all the monuments and sights in the oldest city in all the Americas.
Make sure to view the map as large as possible so all the icons are not jumbled since there are so many sights in such a small area. Click the icon and a little pop up box will appear. This window will tell you what is in that spot and have a link to the page in the Colonial Zone web site for more detailed information.
Ruinas del Monasterio de San Francisco / Ruins of the San Francisco Monastery and the Capilla de la Tercera Orden Franciscana / Chapel of the Franciscan Third Order
Sitting atop a hill, looming, surrounded by an iron fence sits almost 2 blocks of buildings in ruins and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Ruinas del Monasterio de San Francisco / Ruins of the San Francisco Monastery are a very humbling sight to behold. Looking both majestic and eerie. It’s menacing, eerie feeling is multiplied when you walk close and see the holes in the land surrounding the building. Some say that these were to hold prisoners. While others say they are places where excavations were done.
Ruinas del Monasterio de San Francisco in the early morning
Ruinas del Monasterio de San Francisco deep well holes in the property
There is also a deep well on site covered by a grate.
In the past the inhabitants were lunatics and friars, now the sole inhabitants of the building are the pigeons and ghosts. The cooing of the birds, or maybe it be the moaning from the people of the past, add to the eerie feel of the place.
In the evening the ruins seem to heighten in magnitude and mysteriousness. The lights shining on these abandoned and falling stone walls give it an immense forlorn and desolate feeling. Make sure when you visit you sit on the steps and take in the feeling of the place. If only these lonely bricks could tell their story.
Ruinas del Monasterio de San Francisco in the 1930’s
The First Monastery
The most important ruins of the Americas held the first monastery in the Americas. The building was started by Nicolás de Ovando in 1509 and was completed in 1560. Built on a hill overlooking the city it was, and is, a true marvel. It was divided into three parts, the Convento/ Convent, the Chapel (Capilla de la Tercera Orden de los Franciscano, the Capilla de Garay also known as the Chapel of Maria de Toledo, Diego Colons’ wife), and San Francisco el Viejo.
Cordón de la Orden Franciscana and bust of Padre Billini
Over the largest part of the doorway of the monastery is the Cordón de la Orden Franciscana, the coat of arms of the order, carved into the stone surrounding the arched doorway. There is a cross and a bust of Padre Billini. It was built on the outside in Renaissance style and the inside in Gothic.
Looking inside the Ruinas del Monasterio de San Francisco you can see some of the older chapels
La Casa del Diablo
At one time this place was used as a military fort and named La Casa del Diablo/ The house of the Devil It has also been called El basurero del Monasterio/ The Garbage Can of the Monastery. In 1881, Francisco Billini changed the building into a lunatic asylum. If you look on the inside there are still remnants of chains bolted to the walls where they tied the crazies.
The Plaza inside the Ruinas del Monasterio de San Francisco
It was taken by the Pirate Francis Drake (for more information on Drake) during his very destructive raids on the city in 1586. Nature also attacked the monastery with two devastating earthquakes in 1673 and 1751.
It is also said to be where Bartholomew Columbus is buried, but this is not certain.
At times there are special events held here. There may be a concert or school group doing something. It is a favorite spot for taking wedding pictures. On Sundays the area is packed full of people all gathering with friends and family to see a free concert and do some dancing.
Ruinas del Monasterio de San Francisco front gate
Capilla de la Tercera Orden Franciscana / Chapel of the Franciscan Third Order
Capilla de la Tercera Orden Franciscana inside the Ruinas del Monasterio de San Francisco
The beautiful facade of this chapel is located in the Ruins of the Monasterio de San Francisco. It was part of the many phases of building within the walls of the monastery. It was built to join with the Capilla de Garay and the Capilla María de Toledo. All that remains today is the front of the chapel and the interior arches with a small remnant of the beautiful vaulted roof that was destroyed in a hurricane is 1930.
A rainbow over the Ruinas del Monasterio de San Francisco
From Calle el Conde turn north on Calle Hostos. Go up the hill about 5 blocks. You can also go on Calle Restauracion, Duarte and Juan Isidro Perez (it takes up almost 2 city blocks)
Colonial Zone, the oldest city in all the Americas. Live the history.
Fortaleza Ozama, one of the oldest forts in the New World
Colonial Zone
, Ciudad Colonial, Zona Colonial and once known as Ciudad Trujillo, is the oldest inhabited city in all of The Americas on the island of Hispaniola in the country of Dominican Republic / República Dominicana. It is a small town located in the capital city of Santo Domingo de Guzmán.
What now is the Colonial City was the original city of Santo Domingo before it grew into the large sprawling metropolis it is today. Río Ozama and the Caribbean Sea border the walled city. There are many historical sites that were built during the time of exploration, exploitation, and colonization of the “New World.” We have some of the oldest historical sites in the Dominican Republic.
Much of the original city can still be seen today. The cathedral, monastery, university and hospital are among many of the “firsts” located in the Zone. One can see the old world Spanish architectural and styles of the period in the 16th-century buildings, homes and churches. Many are still in excellent condition and are a wonder to behold.
Casa Reales and The Sun Dial
Colonial Zone (and the surrounding sectors including San Miguel, San Lázaro, Santa Barbara, and Ciudad Nueva) is a wonderful mix of the past and present. The old and new intertwine to make a unique travelers experience. Live the history. Walk our streets. Visit our Museums and Historical sights. Dine in our restaurants. Meet our people. Dance to our music. You will make lasting memories. Something you may remember for a lifetime.
If you are lucky maybe you just might come across one of the mythical jars filled with gold or treasure hidden in the walls of the houses of this Colonial settlement. Could this old legend be true? Many people living in the old city still believe.