The National and Patriotic Songs and Pledges of the Dominican Republic.
These patriotic songs and pledges are a very important part of the Dominica culture. Patriotism is embedded in the heart of the people and they are very proud of their national heritage.
The National Anthem of Dominican Republic/ El Himno Nacional de la República Dominicana
The song Quisqueyanos Valientes was written in 1883 with the collaborate efforts of poet Emilio Prud’Homme with music by José Reyes. Congress first passed a law that declared this song to be the national anthem in 1897. Gen. Ulysses Heureaux (Lilis), who was in charge of the country at this time, did not enact the law. It lay dormant for thirty-seven years. Finally, on May 30, 1934, Rafael Leonidas Trujillo, The President of the Dominican Republic, wrote the law that officially declared the unofficial Dominican Republic National anthem official. He made the Song of the Fatherland/ Canto a la Patria, Quisquueyanos Valientes official on May 30, 1934.
If you happen to hear this song played always stand to show respect while it is being played.
The Military Bad playing Quisqueyanos Valientes i Parque Duarte.
Quisqueyanos Valientes
Quisqueyanos valientes, alcemos
Nuestro canto con viva emoción,
Y del mundo a la faz ostentemos
Nuestro invicto, glorioso pendón.
¡Salve! el pueblo que, intrépido y fuerte.
A la guerra a morir se lanzó,
Cuando en bélico reto de muerte
sus cadenas de esclavo rompió.
Ningún pueblo ser libre merece
Si es esclavo, indolente y servil;
Si en su pecho la llama no crece
que templó el heroísmo viril.
Mas Quisqueya la indómita y brava
Siempre altiva la frente alzará;
Que si fuere vil veces esclava
Otras tantas ser libre sabrá.
Que si dolo y ardid la expusieron
de un intruso señor al desdén,
a Las Carreras ¡a Beler!..
campos fueron que cubiertos de gloria se ven.
Que en la cima de heroíco baluarte,
de los libres el verbo encarnó,
donde el genio de Sánchez y Duarte
a ser libre o morir enseñó.
Y si pudo inconsulto caudillo
de esas glorias el brillo empañar,
de la guerra se vió en Capotillo
La bandera de fuego ondear.
Y el incendio que atónito deja
de Castilla al soberbio león,
de las playas gloriosas le aleja
donde flota el cruzado pendón.
Compatriotas, mostremos erguida nuestra frente,
orgullosos de hoy más;
que Quisqueya será destruida
pero sierva de nuevo, jamás.
Que es santuario de amor cada pecho
do la patria se siente vivir;
Y es su escudo invencible, el derecho;
Y es su lema: ser libre o morir.
Libertad que aún se yergue serena
La victoria en su carro triunfal.
Y el clarín de la guerra aún resuena
Pregonando su gloria inmortal.
¡Libertad! Que los ecos se agiten
Mientras llenos de noble ansiedad
Nuestros campos de gloria repiten
¡Libertad! ¡Libertad! ¡Libertad!
English Translation – My rough translation of the first verse.
(Valiant Men of Quisqueya (Dominican Republic)
Let us sing with strong feeling
And let us show to the world our invincible,
glorious banner.
Hail, O people who, strong and intrepid,
launched into war and went to death!
Under a warlike menace of death,
You broke your chains of slavery.
No country deserves to be free
If it is an indolent and servile slave,
If the call does not grow loud within it.
Tempered by a virile heroism.
But the brave and indomitable Quisqueya
Will always hold its head high,
For if it were a thousand times enslaved,
It would a thousand times regain freedom.
Fuerza Aérea en Zona Colonial – Himno Nacional Republica Dominicana.
The Bandera Dominicana / Dominican Flag flying high at the Faro a Colón with the view of the city of Santo Domingo in the distance.
Ya empezó su trabajo la escuela
Y es preciso elevarte a lo azul,
Relicaria de viejos amores,
Mientras reine la mágica luz.
¿No sentimos arder a tu influjo
la luz viva de un fuego interior
cuando flotas alegre, besada
por los cálidos rayos de Sol?
¡Dios! Parece decir, ¡OH Bandera!
La sublime expresión de tu azul;
¡Patria!, el rojo de vivida llama;
¡Libertad!, dice el blanco en la cruz.
Mientras haya una escuela que cante
Tu grandeza, Bandera de amor,
Flotarás con el alma de Duarte,
Vivirás con el alma de Dios.
( Letras: Ramón E. Jiméne)
The Dominican Republic Flag on the Casa del Sacramento.
Pledge to the Flag/ Juramento a la Bandera
¡Qué linda en el tope estás
dominicana bandera!
Quién te viera, quién te viera,
más arriba, mucho más
(by Gastón Fernando Deligne, Poeta dominicano)
The Flag of The Dominican Republic / La Bandera de la República Dominicana
The Flag of The Dominican Republic / La Bandera de la República Dominicana
“The flag is the most sublime symbol of freedom and national sovereignty”
The Dominican Republic flag was officially adopted on November 6, 1844.
The blue and red are from the flag of Haiti, which once controlled the Dominican Republic. The white cross is a symbol of faith.
The flag was made by four women. María Trinidad Sánchez, María de Jesús Pina, Isabel Sosa and Concepción Bona.
The colors of the flag have very special meanings. Rojo bermellón / vermilion red represents the blood shed by the liberators and heroes of the fatherland. Azul Ultramar / ultramarine blue represents ideals of progress and liberty and that God protects the Dominican nation. The white cross is the symbol of the struggle for a free homeland, peace, the sacrifice and unity among all the Dominican people.
Modern descriptions of the colors state that the blue represents the sky. Red is the fire and bloodshed by the patriots and people in the struggle for freedom. White represents dignity, the peaceful character of the Dominicans and their dedication to peace.
The Escudo or Coat of Arms is centrally located in the white cross. The Dominican Republic flag is the only flag in the world with a symbol of a bible on it.
The merchant ensign flag is the same as the National Flag without the coat of arms and this flag is considered to be the civil flag.
Raising the flag at the Comandancia de Puerto de Santo Domingo
Did you know?
The Flag of The Dominican Republic was aboard the U.S. space shuttle in 2006. U.S. Rep. Jose E. Serrano asked for this to happen to thank the over 100,000 Dominican constituents living in the Bronx district of New York, USA. The official announcement was made Monday 22, 2006.
After the flag gets its ride on the shuttle, where no Dominican has ever been, the flag will be on display at Eugenio María de Hostos Community College located in the South Bronx, New York City. This college, named for Puerto Rican independence advocate Eugenio Maria de Hostos (he buried in the Panteón Nacional of Dominican Republic), had a special ceremony for this permanent exhibition. This is a big honor for the Dominican people as a whole. It shows that the USA recognizes the contributions that the people of the Dominican Republic have given to the United States.
The Dominican Flag Coat of Arms (Shield) / El Escudo Dominicano
Escudo Nacional Republica Dominicana / Dominican Republic Coat of Arms 2010. The new Coat of Arms adopted by constitutional law in 2010 with the bottom red ribbon flowing upwardThe old version of the Dominican Republic Coat of Arms / Escudo Nacional Republica Dominicana with the red ribbon flowing downward.
*There have been at least 14 different shields that have been used on the Dominican Republic flag in the past. Casimiro N. De Moya designed the current shield. It was issued by the government of Monseñor Nouel and was adopted as the official shield in 1913.
*In 2010 the constitution was amended to make a rule on the form of the coat of arms as before no definite law existed. Article 32 (written below in Spanish with my English translation) states the bottom red ribbon faces upward. Thus many of the flags center shields are incorrect because their vermilion ribbon faces downward. You will notice that Parque Independencia coat of arms, as with many of the escudos in the country, is an old version of the coat of arms. Thanks Alexis for the updated information.
*The escudo has the same colors as the flag.
*The Bible is the center of the escudo and is open to the Gospel of St. John, Chapter Eight, Verse Thirty-Two (John 8:32) with a golden cross floating above.
*There are two empty spears and four others with the national flags. These four flags do not have the shield on them. These spears, or flagpoles, are located on either side of the central bible. (*I am trying to research as to exactly why there are six spears or poles and what they represent. When I find out if there is a reason I’ll add it)
*There is a laurel branch on the left side of the shield that represents immortality.
*The palm branch on the right represents Liberty.
*This is topped by a blue ribbon that symbolizes glory with the Trinitarian motto: DIOS, PATRIA, LIBERTAD / “God, Fatherland and Liberty (Freedom)”.
*The bottom ribbon is vermilion red with the words: Republica Dominicana (note that they did not use the “ú” in the word “República”)
Comparisons of the Escudos Nacional Republica Dominicana 1844 and 2010
The Constitution of the Dominican Republic pertaining to the Flag and Shield states:
DISPOSICIONES GENERALES Artículos de la Constitución (updated 5/2012)
Artículos 32 (el artículo 32 modificado 2010) – El Escudo Nacional tiene los mismos colores de la Bandera Nacional dispuestos en igual forma. Lleva en el centro la Biblia abierta en el Evangelio de San Juan, capítulo 8, versículo 32, y encima una cruz, los cuales surgen de un trofeo integrado por dos lanzas y cuatro banderas nacionales sin escudo, dispuestas a ambos lados; lleva un ramo de laurel del lado izquierdo y uno de palma al lado derecho. Está coronado por una cinta azul ultramar en la cual se lee el lema “Dios, Patria y Libertad”. En la base hay otra cinta de color rojo bermellón cuyos extremos se orientan hacia arriba con las palabras “República Dominicana”. La forma del Escudo Nacional es de un cuadrilongo, con los ángulos superiores salientes y los inferiores redondeados, el centro de cuya base termina en punta, y está dispuesto en forma tal que resulte un cuadrado perfecto al trazar una línea horizontal que una las dos verticales del cuadrilongo desde donde comienzan los ángulos inferiores.
Rough translation (article 32 amended in 2010:The National Shield has the same colors as the National Flag arranged in the same way. The center Bible is opened to the Gospel of St. John, Chapter Eight, Verse Thirty-Two, with a cross above it that arises from a trophy composed of two lances and four national flags without a shield, arranged on both sides; a laurel branch takes the left side and a palm takes the right. It is topped by an ultramarine blue ribbon that reads the motto “God, Fatherland and Liberty”. On the base there is another red vermilion ribbon whose ends are directed upwards, reading the words “República Dominicana”. The shape of the national emblem is rectangular, with rounded corners protruding on the upper and lower points, the center of whose base is tapered, and is arranged so that is a perfect square by drawing a horizontal line joining the two vertical the rectangular from the bottom corners.)
ART. 95.- La bandera nacional se compone de los colores azul ultramar y rojo bermellón, en cuarteles alternados, colocados de tal modo que el azul quede hacia la parte superior del asta, separados por una cruz blanca del ancho de la mitad de la altura de un cuartel y que lleve en el centro el escudo de armas de la República. La bandera mercante es la misma que la nacional sin escudo.
Rough translation (article 95: The national flag is made up of the colors ultramarine blue and red vermilion, in alternation, separated into quarters in such a way that the blue one is towards the superior part of the spear, separated by a white cross the width being half the height of the quarter and that it has in the center the shield of arms of the Republic. The merchant flag is the same one that the national without the shield.)
ART. 96.- El escudo de armas de la República tendrá los mismos colores de la bandera nacional dispuestos en igual forma. Llevará en el centro el libro de los Evangelios, abierto, con una cruz encima surgiendo ambos entre un trofeo integrado por dos lanzas y cuatro banderas nacionales, sin escudo, dispuestas a ambos lados; llevará un ramo de laurel del lado izquierdo y uno de palma al lado derecho; estará coronado por una cinta azul ultramar en la cual se leerá el lema: Dios, Patria y Libertad, y en la base habrá otra cinta de color rojo bermellón con las palabras: República Dominicana. La forma del escudo nacional será de un cuadrilongo, con los ángulos superiores salientes y los inferiores redondeados, el centro de cuya base terminará en punta, y estará dispuesto en forma tal que si se traza una línea horizontal que una las dos verticales del cuadrilongo desde donde comienzan los ángulos inferiores, resulte un cuadrado perfecto.
Rough translation (article 96: The shield of arms of the Republic will have the same colors of the national flag in equal form. It will have in the center the book of Gospels, opened, with a cross lifted arising both between a trophy integrated by two lances and four national flags, without shield, arranged on both sides; it will alongside have a branch of laurel on the left side and one of palm on the right side; the top will be crowned by a blue tape in which the motto will be: God, Mother country and Freedom, and in the base another tape of the color red vermilion with the: Dominican Republic. The form of the national shield will be a perfect square, with the salient superior angles and the inferior ones cleared, the center of whose base it will finish at the end, and will be arranged in form so that if a horizontal line is drawn up the two verticals of cuadrilongo from where the inferior angles begin, is a perfect square. )
The Shield of Santo Domingo / Escudo de la Ciudad de Santo Domingo
The Coat of Arms of the City of Santo Domingo / Escudo de Armas de la Ciudad de Santo Domingo.
The coat of arms of the city Santo Domingo / Escudo de armas de la ciudad Santo Domingo
The Shield of the City of Santo Domingo is an important symbol of pride for the city.
The red background refers to the victory with which the town of Santo Domingo was born. / El fondo rojo referencia a la victoria con la que nació la villa de Santo Domingo.
The crown means dignity and its gold represents nobility, wealth and wisdom. For Santo Domingo also refers to his origin of royalty. / La corona significa dignidad y su oro representa nobleza, riqueza y sabiduría. Para santo domingo también se refiere a su origen de realeza.
Its two yellow lions symbolize energy, sovereignty and dominion. / Sus dos leones amarillos simbolizan energía, soberanía y dominio.
The key means rest and safety, and its blue is the color of the sky. / La llave significa reposo y seguridad, y su color azul se debe al cielo.
The black and white cross is attributed to the name of the city; Santo Domingo de Gazumán / La cruz blanca y negra se le atribute al nombre de la ciudad; Santo Domingo de Gazumán.
Plaza Bartolome de las Casas escudo de la ciudad de Santo Domingo / coat of arms of the city Santo Domingo
This Coat of arms of the city Santo Domingo is located on the interior wall of the Plaza Bartolomé de las Casas in the Colonial Zone.
National Stone / Piedra Nacional
The National Stone of The Dominican Republic. A sample is of Dominican amber, Miocene epoch that is 23.8 to 5.3 million years old.
In 2014 Merengue was declared to be the music of the country. More information about Merengue and some of the musicians who play this newly declared national music.
National Flower / La Flor Nacional
The Rose of Bayahibe / la Rosa de Bayahibe
Dominican Republic National Flower – The Rose of Bayahibe / La Flor Nacional – La Rosa de Bayahibe
The flower of the Caoba was the national flower as declared on July 16, 1957 by decree number 2944. There was always confusion about the national tree and flower and now it is clear. On July 12, 2011 la Rosa de Bayahibe was declared to be the National Flower.
Picture of la Rosa de Bayahibe from
National Tree / Árbol Nacional
The Mahogany (Swietenia mahagoni) / La Caoba
National Tree of Dominican Republic – Caoba Tree
There was always confusion about the national tree and flower and now it is clear. As of July 2011 Dominican Republic finally has their national tree. On July 12, 2011 President Leonel Fernandez passed the Law 146-11, which designates the Mahogany tree to be the new official tree of Dominican Republic.
National Tree of Dominican Republic – Caoba Tree Flower
National Bird / Ave Nacional
Palmchat / Cigua Palmera (Dulus dominicus)
National Bird of the Dominican Republic – Palm Chat / Ave Nacional – Cigua Palmera
This cute little songbird is found on the island of Hispaniola. It adapts easily to all areas of the country and can be found in abundance.
The Dominican Republic National Bird The Palmchat / Cigua Palmera are sitting at the top of a tree in Santo Domingo.
The Palmchat prefers to be where there are many palm trees (this is where they got their name). They are communal birds. The nests are large, messy and usually found in large groups or communities. The nests can usually be found in the tops of Royal Palms or atop any other high spot when the palm tree is not available.
A Palm Chat / Cigua Palmera nest high in the tree top.
They lay spotted greyish purple eggs, usually 2 to 4, from March to June.
The song of the Palm Chat is quite loud with constant singing and squawking as they communicate with other birds.
Palmchats are about 8 inches in length. They have an olive-brown creamy color on top and streaked with brown on the bottom. Their backside and the edges of their feathers are a dark yellow-green. They have large yellow bills and rust colored eyes.
The songs of Christmas are an important part of the holiday season in Dominican Republic. Both the traditional carols and the fun merengue tunes. Everyone loves to sing along.
Singing Christmas carols, known as villancicos, for the neighbors and inviting the singers in for a treat or a nice drink is a fun tradition here on the island. The drink is usually Té jengibre / Ginger tea (ginger tea recipe), coffee, and for imbibers ron/ rum. The caroling venture usually wrap-ups with a good party that includes drinking, dancing and in general a good time for all.
Christmas / Navidad lights at Brilliante Navidad
There are many Holiday songs here that are unique to the Dominican Republic and the other Latin American countries. Here, as in most of the Latin countries, many of the Christmas songs are accompanied by a merengue rhythm. This results in the Christmas carols being quite danceable, which all Dominicans delight in.
Some notable songs in this style are Volvió Juanita by Milly Quezada, Salsa pa tu lechón by Johnny Ventura, La trulla navideña by del Conjunto Quisquella.
The traditional Christmas songs in English cannot be translated word for word to make any sense in Spanish. Because of this many of the songs in Spanish can be totally dissimilar. Note also that in many cases the translations are far from literal because if they were translated word for word the rhythm and meaning of the song would be lost.
Spanish – English Christmas Songs
School children doing a Navidad Show in Parque Rosado.
Here are some names of English Christmas songs with their counterparts in Spanish.
*Ya llegó la Navidad/ Deck the Halls
*Feliz Navidad/ Merry Christmas
*Qué verdes son/ O Christmas Tree
*Adornemos Nuestras Casas/ Deck the Halls
*Venid, Adoremos/ O Come All Ye Faithful
*La Primera Navidad/ The First Noel
*Felixidad al Mundo/ Joy to the World
*Jesús en Pesebre/ Away in a Manger
*Campanas de Navidad/ I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day
*Noche de Paz/ Silent Night
*Noche Sagrada/ O Holy Night
*A la Nanita, Nana/ Traditional Lullaby
*Los Tres Reyes/ We Three Kings
*El Niño del Tambor/ The Little Drummer Boy
*Los doce días de Navidad/ The 12 Days of Christmas
*Hoy en la tierra/ Angels We Have Heard on High
*¿Qué niño es éste?/ What Child Is This?
CASCABEL/ Jingle Bells
One of my favorite, simple Spanish carols is Cascabel. There are many different versions but the one I have here is my favorite version because it has the traditional Jingle Bells tune.
Es Noel, es Noel Suena el cascabel De un venado muy veloz Que tiene Santa Claus Corre ya, juega ya
Hoy es Navidad Los juguetes hay Que dar por Toda la ciudad Qué bonito es, Es correr con rapidez
Ir con Santa Claus y escuchar su voz Suena el cascabel Quiero ir con él Con mis amiguito
Y cantar feliz noel!!!!
Los peces en el río
Los peces en el río/ The Fishes in the River is a traditional Spanish Christmas Carol that is popular in Spain and Latin America alike. It is about how the fish in the river keep returning to where Mary is so they can see God being born. This is the songs estribillo/ chorus in Spanish and English.
Pero mira cómo beben, los peces en el río.
Pero mira cómo beben, por ver a Dios nacido.
Beben y beben, y vuelven a beber.
Los peces en el río, por ver a Dios nacer.
But look how the fish in the river drink.
But look how they drink in order to see the God who is born.
They drink and they drink and they return to drink,
The fish in the river to see God being born.
*El Burro y el Pavo/ The Donkey and the Turkey
El Pavo Y El Burro
El Pavo Y El Burro is a traditional children’s song Merengue style. It is the story of a turkey that lies around all year getting fat, making fun of the hard-working burro. Then Christmas comes. The turkey will be stuck like a pig. As the chorus says interpreted roughly” To all fat pigs Christmas Eve will arrive”
Había una vez, según dice el cuento
Un pavo de granja, que vivía del cuento
Siempre se burlaba, de un burro que había
Trabajando siempre, de noche y de día.
(Chorus/ Estribillo)
El burro lloraba, el pavo reía. El burro lloraba, el pavo reía.
El burro lloraba, el pavo reía. El burro lloraba, el pavo reía.
Fue en un mes de mayo,
que el pavo llegó a la granja.
Y desde ese día el burrito no tuvo calma
El pavo sentado, riendo y gozaba
Diciéndole al burro, ¡Trabaja, trabaja!
(Chorus/ Estribillo)
Pasaron los meses–junio, julio y agosto
Y el pobre animal, volviéndose loco.
Septiembre y octubre, y luego noviembre
Y sufriendo así, le llegó diciembre.
(Chorus/ Estribillo)
Y faltando un día, para una gran fiesta
Llevaron el burro, a comprar la cena
Y al volver el burro, el pavo miró
Que no trajo carne, y le preguntó.
¿Donde está la carne que yo no la veo.
¿Donde está la carne… Donde está la carne?
¿Donde está la carne, que yo no la veo.
¿Donde está la carne… Donde está la carne?
El pavo nervioso, vuelve y preguntó
¿Donde está la carne? No la veo yo.
Y el burro riendo, con todos los dientes
Le responde al pavo, !Llegó tu diciembre!
El pavo lloraba, el burro reía. El pavo lloraba, el burro reía.
El pavo lloraba, el burro reía. El pavo lloraba, el burro reía.
El pavo lloraba, el burro reía. El pavo lloraba, el burro reía.
El pavo lloraba, el burro reía. El pavo lloraba, el burro reía., The Dominican Gringa Blog and Teli, The Dominican Dog have a video Christmas card for you. Felix Navidad.
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