The way Dominicans Speak / Cómo Hablamos Dominicanos – Dominicanismos Dictionary
The slang used in the Dominican Republic.
V – ve
Vacano – something is cool. “That’s cool” = “ta vacano”
Vacuencia – poop, fecal material; when you tell someone they are talking nonsense (shit). This one word can cover an entire sentence. “You’re talking a bunch of crap!”
Vaina – (literally-vine) thing, “Give me that thing”. Can be used as an exclamation like “Damn!” (“Que Vaina!”) or can be used as if you were saying “That’s a shit.” (“es a vaina”). This word can be used in many different ways.
Vale – means a person from the campo/country person,
Veldá’? Son veldá – “Is it true?” (“Es verdad?”) “Yes, it’s true” (“Si, es verdad”)
Verdugo – expert
Vestida de Novia – another name for a beer. The layer of ice on the outside of the bottle.
Vidrio inglés – (English glass) animal poop, when you’re walking and you step on a pile of poop you stepped on an English glass.
Vientiocho – (28) crazy, loco
Viralata – street dogs of Dominican Republic
Viralata – used to describe a mixed bread dog usually brown, and the way they search for food in the garbage.
Vivaporu – Vicks Vapo Rub (a cure for everything)
Vividores – people who live of the money of others; ie. a man that lives on monetary gifts from another
Voladora – a small bus that has a certain route to follow
Volteo – when a plate is filled up with large portions of food
The way Dominicans Speak / Cómo Hablamos Dominicanos – Dominicanismos Dictionary
The slang used in Dominican Republic.
U – u
Una Fria – (cold one) – Una bien fria (really cold one) -what you say when you ask for a beer, you will usually receive a Presidente beer. Make sure to specify either normal (a regular Presidente) or light (a Presidente Light)
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