Tag Archives: stories

Dominican Republic Myths and Legends / República Dominicana Mitos y Leyendas

Dominican Republic Myths and Legends / República Dominicana Mitos y Leyendas

The myths and legends of the Dominican Republic are so interesting / Los mitos y leyendas de la República Dominicana son tan interesantes.

Inteliperra looking gargoyle-like in the light at the Fortaleza Ozama
Inteliperra looking gargoyle-like in the light at the Fortaleza Ozama

Myths and Legends are a way to help understand the culture of the people of this island in the Caribbean. Stories about mythical beings and legends of the unexplained. Yes, we have those in the Dominican Republic. As in all cultures, these stories handed down over the generations, are used to try and explain the unexplainable or a way to keep children in line.

I loved writing this section of the website. I hope you enjoy the stories as well.

Abad Alfau y la Calavera/ Abad Alfau and the Skull

Balaguer and His Hat

The Bruja / Witch

Casa del Tapao Legends

Casa del Tostado Legends

Chupacabra/ Goat Sucker or Evil Thing

The Ciguapa

Duendes or Los Menos

El Bacà

El Comegente/ The People Eater

El Cuco / El Coco / El Cucuy

El Gualipote/ Dog-like Creature & El Lugaru – El Zangano/ Flying Creatures

El Jinchaíto of Moca

La Jupia or Hupio

Lolito Flochón – The Plumber

Los Biembiens

Calle el Conde under a full moon
Calle el Conde under a full moon

Los Indios De Las Augas/ The Indians of the Waters

Las Nimitas/ Fireflies/ Luciérnagas or Lightening Bugs/ Bichos de Luz

Polo Magnetico / Magnetic Pole

Ratoncito Pérez / The Mouse Perez

Sirens / Mermaid

VooDoo Curse on the Cincinnati Red’s

The outline of the Alcazar de Colón as the sky brightens in the early morning.
The outline of the Alcazar de Colón as the sky brightens in the early morning.