La Plaza de la Cultura Juan Pablo Duarte/ The Cultural Center
The park itself is made up of twisting, tree lined paths that casually wind through this green area. There are private sitting areas where one can relax a bit. It is a small oasis in the big city. I recommend a visit to the Plaza when you visit Santo Domingo.
The entire park is a is home to many restaurants and cultural activities. Plan on spending a long time here so you can take in all the Center has to offer.
The large plaza is located on Avenida César Nicolás Penson and Avenida Máximo Gómez #35, Plaza de la Cultura, Gazcue, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Enter at the Calles Pedro Henriquez Ureña and César Nicolás Penson.
*Mueso de Arte Moderno/ Museum of Modern Art
Since its creation it has the most outstanding works of Dominican art dating from the National Independence in 1844 to the contemporary artists of the present. Today the museum holds the most visual arts in the entire country.
Hours: 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM Tuesday thru Sunday
Cost: RD$10.00 pesos per person (8/07)
Contact:. 809-685-2154
*Museo Nacional de Historia y Geografía/ National Museum of History and Geography
The mission of Museum is to make available a sample of the historical and geographical items that identify the Dominican Republic.
Hours: 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM Tuesday to Sunday
Cost: RD$5.00 pesos Adults / RD$3.00 pesos Children (8/07)
Contact: 809-686-6668
*Museo del Hombre Dominicano/ Museum of the Dominican Man
The museum displays a permanent collection of archaeological and ethnographic materials that encompasses the entire Dominican historia field, from pre-Columbian times to the present.
Hours: 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM Tuesday thru Sunday
Cost: RD$20.00 pesos adults/ RD$5.00 Children.(8/07)
Contact: 809-687-3622/23.
*Museo de Historia/ Museum of Natural History
Hours: 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM Tuesday to Sunday
Cost: RD$20.00 pesos per person (8/07)
Contact: 809-689-0106
*La Biblioteca Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña/ The Pedro Henríquez Ureña National Library (opened March 2013)
The mission of the Dominican Republic National Library is to collect, preserve and distribute various library materials, print and other media, which are part of the national collective memory. To enable access to information and knowledge contained in their collections. There will be program such as lectures, concerts, art exhibitions and more. The large database includes historical documents, books, microfilms, videos and computers. They also have a lending library. There is a section for children as well.
Hours: Children, youth, adults, professionals, elderly, housewives and the general public have free access to the National Library from Monday to Friday from 8AM to 10PM on Saturdays and Sundays from 8AM to 4PM.
Contact: 809-688-4086 and 688-4660; Fax: 685-8941.
*The Auditorio/ Auditorium Juan Bosch located inside the National Library has been newly remolded and many music and cultural events are held here.
*The Teatro Nacional Eduardo Brito / National Theater where many shows and cultural events are held.
Built in 1973 these auditoriums have the perfect high fidelity acoustics that make all the performances hale here an excellent event. The main theater, Sala Principal, the largest of the two auditoriums, can hold 1,600 people and features many top dance, music, and dramatic performances (ie:Plácido Domingo).The smaller auditorium, Sala Ravelo, will hold up to 175 persons and is mainly used for conferences and small speeches.
The Secretary of Culture was authorized by law to change the name from National Theater to the Eduardo Brito Theater in July 2006. The National Congress decided that instead of being called Teatro Nacional/ National Theater it is officially changed to Teatro Eduardo Brito (Eduardo Brito (1906-1946) who is a Dominican born baritone. Started as a shoe shine boy. Studied in Italy. Very popular in Spain and became known also in Puerto Rico, Cuba, USA, and the Latin American Countries. He returned to Dominican Republic with a "mental illness" which many say it was syphilis/ sifilis. He died a crazy man. There is a CD sometimes it is available on called "
El Cantante Nacional".
No one is permitted to enter with Jeans or Tennis Shoes. Dress is Formal to Semi-Formal. You cannot enter the theater performance area once the show has started. Cell Phones must be turned off. They do have a place inside the theater that serves Food and Beverages. There is a bar
Contact: Ticket office: 809-682-7255, Central: 809- 687-3191, Public Relations: 809-685-3779
Cinema Café.
(click for more information-opens in a new window). Is a great bar and concert venue. Here you can see many of the local bands.
*There are a few different restaurants, one of which is in a restored Colonial home.
Location: Av. César Nicolás Penson and Avenida Máximo Gómez #35, Plaza de la Cultura, Gazcue, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Enter at the Calles Pedro Henriquez Ureña and César Nicolás Penson.