*Fécula de Maíz - Corn Starch.

*Frío Frío - Shaved ice or snow cone with many fruit flavors. He scrapes the ice with a metal scraper, puts it in a cup and douses it with your flavor of choice.

*Frituras - A variety of fried snack foods usually prepared by street vendors.

*Galletas - Any and all types of crackers or cookies.

*Granada - Pomegranate, Indian Apple. Grenadine syrup is thick, sweetened pomegranate juice.

*Grei-frú or toronja - Grapefruit

*Guanábana - Soursop. A tropical fruit with lots of creamy white pulp, black shiny seeds and a green spiky (the spikes are soft) skin. The texture is strange for a fruit but very sweet and tasty.

*Guandules - Pigeon Peas. A green bean that looks like a pea used in much of the foods here in Dominican Republic. They are wonderful cooked in leche de coco (coconut milk) and also moro de guandules (picture of moro de grandules).

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Dominican Food Words
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*Domplín - dumpling

*Dulce de Leche - A sweet, like soft fudge, made with milk. Can be served soft in a jar or more solid in a fudge like form.

*Empanizado - breaded (usually a breaded meat)

*Ensalada - Salad. Ensalada Verde - green salad

*Entre Cote - Boneless rib steak

*Espaguetis - Spaghetti. Here espaguetis is a popular going to the beach food usually served between 2 slices of bread sandwich style.

*Espárragos - Asparagus

*Espinacas - Spinach

guineo - bananas
*Guineo - Banana

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*Guarapo - fermented fruit drink. Guarapo de piña/ fermented pineapple juice.

*Guisada - Anything stewed (Rés Guisada - stewed beef; Pollo Guisado - stewed chicken). The typical Dominican lunch is usually some form of this stewed meat.  (get the recipes-opens in new window)
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