Maizero / The Corn on the Cob (maíz) Vendor
El Maizero walks around pushing a large cart with a big cauldron of hot water. In this cauldron are ears of corn on the cob or la mazorca. He yells out “Maíz, maíz, maíz!” but it sounds like mye, mye, mye.
When you want to purchase one of these ears of corn the vendor removes the steaming hot treat from the vat of water. He then drops it into another smaller pot containing salt water and butter and swishes it around covering all the little kernels of corn. The dripping ear of corn is then deposited into a plastic bag and the hot ear is handed over to the customer.
This street food usually costs about $30 pesos (3/12). It is one of the few snacks that are sold on the street that is a bit healthy.