Centro Cultural de las Telecomunicaciones Museo / Cultural Center of Telecommunications Museum
The Centro Cultural de las Telecomunicaciones Museo (CCT) is a state of the art telecommunications museum. The interactive museum is a learning experience that shows the evolution of communications in the Dominican Republic from prehistory to the present.

This unique museum is an interactive and multisensory museum where you can learn and experience with all your senses. It is good for all as an educational experience. Schools as well as families can visit and learn historical, cultural, social and technological knowledge. Visitors will learn about the past, present and future of telecommunications. The museum includes historical data about the origin and evolution of radio, television, telephone, computers, and the Internet in the Dominican Republic and around the world.

Built by El Instituto Dominicano de las Telecomunicaciones (INDOTEL), the Telecommuicaciones Museo opened its doors on July 18, 2011. The museum has 3 floors and a basement and four exhibition halls. There is a state-of-the-art auditorium, a media library with thousands of audiovisual documents, a temporary exhibition hall, an area for workshops, a store and cafeteria.
Visiting this museum one can learn the first forms of communication starting with prehistoric times continuing to the future of communications. Learn about the origin of writing, and the invention of the telegraph and the telephone (the evolution of telephones from 1920 to the present). Learn the history of Dominican radio and television and experience some of the most popular TV commercials. Marvel at the collection of robots and touch screen games, the origin and development of computers, and robotics.

Visitors Information
Open to the public from Tuesday to Friday from 9 AM to 5 PM. Saturday from 9 AM to 9 PM. Sundays from 10 AM to 5 PM. Some special exhibits have extended hours.
809-633-3333 and 829-378-6251
(2011) RD$200 for adults, RD$100 for children and US$10 for foreigners.
Calle Isabel La Católica and Emiliano Tejera, Ciudad Colonial, Republíca Dominicana. The large building sits in front of Plaza España.