The way Dominicans Speak / Cómo Hablamos Dominicanos – Dominicanismos Dictionary
The slang used in Dominican Republic.
G – ge
Galillo – person with a loud voice
Gato – cat, a robber
Gase – burp, belch, gas
glu-glu – like saying chug-chug in English; the sound one makes when drinking.
Gotea – to fall
Grajo – armpit odor, underarm stink, B O
Greti – Something that is good. Made popular by urban music singer Rochy RD in 2020)
Grillo – woman of ill repute, uses you then leaves you, usually has bad hair
Guachiman – watchman, private guard
Guagua – privately owned mini-van used as transportation
Guaifai – WiFi internet service
Guapo – Angry, mad or tough (in Spain Spanish Guapo (a) is handsome (beautiful) – un Guapo us a tough guy
¡Güay! – an expression meaning WoW!
¡Guay mi Mai! – An expressing meaning pain
Gueje, gueje – ridicule
Güira – metal instrument that is made of perforated metal and scrapped.