Holiday Calendar 2015
Holidays – The Minister of Work announced the calendar for the celebration of the holidays for the year 2016 according to the law 139-97 / Días Festivos – El Ministerio de Trabajo anuncia el calendario para la celebración de los días feriados para el año 2015, establecidos en la Ley 139-97.
January/ Enero
1 – Friday – New Year’s Day
5 – Monday celebrating (The 6th is the OFFICIAL date) Día de los Santo Reyes Magos – Epifania / Three Kings Day – Epiphany (what is 3 Kings Day?)
12 – Día de la Resistencia Heroica/ Day of Heroic Resistance (this is the first year for this day to honor the men and women who fought for a fairer society)
15 – to End of March – Whale Watching (the best place to observe is the Samana Bay)
21 – Wednesday – Our Lady of Altagracia Day. (more information on Altagracia and a photo slide show of the Basilica de Higuey)
26 – Monday – Duarte Day.
February/ Febrero
1 thru 29 Las Fiestas de Carnaval Dominicano / Dominican Carnival Parties Carnival Dominicano/ Dominican Carnival celebrations happen all month. The weekends are when different communities hold their parades and celebrations.
19 – Thursday – Chinese New Year (celebrations for the Year of the Goat in China Town)
18 – Miércoles de Ceniza / Ash Wednesday
27 – Friday – Día de la Independencia / Independence Day – Día de la Bandera / Flag Day. Dominicans celebrate February 27, 1844 as their Independence Day This the day the country declared its independence again and retook the name República Dominicana (Dominican Republic). A constitution modeled on that of the United States was put forth in November 1844.
March/ Marzo
1 Sunday/ Domingo The big Carnival Parade on the Malecon in Santo Domingo.
29 Domingo de Ramos / Palm Sunday
April/ Abril
3 -Viernes Santo / Good Friday (long weekend from Thursday the 2nd to Sunday the 5th – one of the biggest vacation times here)
5 – Sunday – Domingo de Pascua – Semana Santa / Easter
? – Secretaries Day
May/ Mayo
4 – Monday – Día del Trabajo / Labor Day (official day May 1st) (long weekend from Friday the 1st to Monday the 4th)
31 – Sunday – Mother’s Day. (Always falls on the last Sunday in May)
Find the dates of all the Patronales/ Patron Saints celebrations in Dominican Republic
June/ Junio
4 – Thursday – Corpus Christi Day
July/ Julio
26 – Sunday – Father’s Day (Always falls on the last Sunday in July)
August/ Agusto
16 – Sunday – Restoration Day/ Día de Restauración (more information on Restoration Day)
September/ Septiembre
24 – Thursday – Día de las Mercedes / Our Lady of Mercedes Day.(more information on Las Mercedes)
November/ Noviembre
9 – Monday – Día de la Constitución / Constitution Day (official day is Friday the 6th) (to make for a long weekend from Friday the 6th to Monday the 9th Constitution Day will be celebrated on the 6th)
December/ Decembre
25 – Friday – Día de Navidad / Christmas Day (How Dominicans celebrate Christmas)
31 – Thursday – New Years Eve (New Year traditions)