The way Dominicans Speak / Cómo Hablamos Dominicanos – Dominicanismos Dictionary
The slang used in Dominican Republic.
J – jota
Jablador or Hablador (jablador is more common) – liar
Jabladoraso – someone who exaggerates things or twist them to get what they want, stronger word than just Jablador.
Jalar – to put drugs up your nose
Jamona – a woman that is old (past 40 years old) and not married,
Jaro – aluminum vase to drink water, can be any size
Jarto/a – very tired of something or someone
Jeepeta – SUV truck
Jevón – girl, usually very beautiful
Joder – (a bad word) many meanings…to bother someone; to make love to.
Joe – when you don’t know someone’s name you call them Joe
Jompear (yompear) – to jump start a car with jumper cables
Jumo – a drunk person