Tag Archives: word

S-Dominicanismos Dictionary


The way Dominicans Speak / Cómo Hablamos Dominicanos – Dominicanismos Dictionary

The slang used in the Dominican Republic.

S – ese

Sacaliñar – to throw something (that they did) up in someone’s face


Sacando chipa – Being very angry

Sacar chivo – to commit fraud (Trujillo is referred to as a chivo)

Samuro – non-pure bread fighting rooster

Sanky Panky – Gigolo Dominican-style, comes from the words hanky panky

Saranana – skin allergy

Segundito – when you ask someone to give you a few seconds more time “Give me a second.”


(hacer un) Serrucho – To collect money (maybe money owed to you)

Si Dios Quieres – If God wants. Many Dominicans say this after saying anything to show they are not arrogant.

Sica – poop, fecal matter

Sicote – smelly feet

Silebí – sealed beam, headlamp for an automobile

Silin – Ceiling

Singar – a not-nice word meaning to have sex. This word is vulgar and used for the F word.

Sirimba – dizziness, sudden illness (thanks Marcia for the word)

Siro – syrup (as in maple syrup)

Soba – caress

Sobacco – armpit

Soquín – an all around bad odor


Suape – a mop or the act of mopping.

Suape – someone that is very drunk “Tengo un suape” “I’m drunk.”

Swiche (in Spain Spanish – interrupter) – light switch


R-Dominicanismos Dictionary


The way Dominicans Speak / Cómo Hablamos Dominicanos – Dominicanismos Dictionary

The slang used in the Dominican Republic.

R – ere


Rapana – friends with benefits. Sex buddy

Rapar – to have vigorous sex with a person

Raquiña – itch

Rata – it is the lowest form to call a person, worse than calling someone garbage

Rebulujado o rebuluteao – disorganized


Recorte – a trim, as in trim the hair or bushes

Relambio – obnoxious

Remenión – when dancing the merengue it is the ability to rapidly move the mid section of the body

Revejio – young person with the face or an old person

Rufo – Roof

(una) Rumba – a lot


Q-Dominicanismos Dictionary


The way Dominicans Speak / Cómo Hablamos Dominicanos – Dominicanismos Dictionary

The slang used in the Dominican Republic.


Q – cu

¿Qué lo Qué? – (same as ¿que pasa?) “What’s happening?” “What’s up?” (also written as ¿k lo k?)

Que Lo What – when you greet friends and ask what’s happening. (sort of like k lo k but half English)

Quebrao – man with an extremely large penis

Quilla/o (se quilla) – to bother something or someone; to be mad


Quiniela – since most don’t have the money to bet, a group or community pool their money together to bet on the lottery or sports

Quinielero/a – the person that takes the bets, many times having smaller winnings only on a few numbers

(a la) Guimbamba – to finish or end late

Quisqueya – in the Taino language it means “land for which there is none better” This is what the Dominicans call this island. It is also a brand of beer.