Tag Archives: Dominican Republic

Misc Important Stuff

Miscellaneous Important Stuff

Just some misc. things you might want to know about the Dominican Republic.

Metric System | Time Zone | Longitude & Latitude

Metric System

Here in Dominican Republic we use the Metric System of Measurement as does most of the world. Here are some basic conversions that might be helpful

*1 Foot (ft) = 0.3048 meter (m)
*1 acre = 0.4047 hectare
*1 gallon = 3.785 Liters (1000 cm 3)
*1 mile per hour (US Statute) = 1.609347 kilometer per hour (km)
*1 inch (in) = 25.4 millimeter (mm) , 2.54 centimeter (cm),
0.0254 meter (m)
*1 gallon (gal) = 4.546 liter
*32° degree Fahrenheit (F) = 0° degree Celsius or 212°F = 100°C
to change from ° F to ° C take the degree F minus 32 ÷ by 1.8
To change from ° C to ° F take the degree C x by 1.8 + 32

*Note that even though the main type of measurement here is in meters they do use pounds and gallons in most businesses.

For a quick and easy Conversion Calculator check out this page

Eastern Standard Time (EST)

The time in the Dominican Republic is Eastern Standard Time (EST). The same as New York and Miami in the Eastern United States. The country did try using the Daylight Savings Time change but it did not work out well so they decided not to change the clocks like the North Americans. This means that when the states in North America change their clocks the Dominican Republic does not. Thus making for an hour time difference during this time change.

We are on GMT -4. See below for an explanation

Longitude & Latitude

Dominican Republic is located between latitude 17° 40′ and 19° 56′ North and longitude 68° 20′ and 72°01′ West of the Greenwich Meridian (GMT -4). This means if you are using Greenwich time Dominican Republic time would be minus 4 hours (UTC/GMT -4 hours)

Exchange Rate

Exchange Rate

If you are visiting The Dominican Republic is it advised that you exchange the currency from your country into Dominican Pesos De Oro. The Dominican Peso is the best currency to use when paying for goods and services, especially outside of the tourist areas. Always be to check the exchange rates of the currency you are planning to exchange first to make sure you are getting the correct rates.

BancoReservas on Calle Isabel La Católica in the Colonial Zone.
BancoReservas on Calle Isabel La Católica in the Colonial Zone.

The exchange rate can go up and down every day and sometimes many times throughout the day.

You can visit El Banco Central de la República Dominicana in Spanish and The Central Bank of Dominican Republic in English to learn about all the banking and money issues in the country.

This is a great tool for finding the exchange rate in Dominican Republic and almost any other country you might want to travel to. All you need to do is enter the amount of money and where it is coming from. I am offering two different exchange rate companies to check the rates as each is a little different sometimes.

Dominican Republic is the DOP (Dominican Republic Peso).

Gracias a coinmill.com

Postal Service

Postal Zip Codes and services in Santo Domingo


The Postal Service is not very reliable in Dominican Republic but it is improving slowly. You can mail postcards and letters without many problems but important things it is best to send in a more secure manner. We suggest, if you do want to receive mail from other countries to get a Post Box. There are companies ( PO Box International, CPS-Continental, Jet Pac…etc.) where you can rent a box and they are independent from the government mail service. In the USA they give you a mailbox address in Miami or some other area. Then your mail is sent there. Then they bring it to the Dominican Republic. These private services are faster, more reliable and much more secure.

Zip Codes

in Dominican Republic / Código Postal Dominicano check El Instituto Postal Dominicano (INPOSDOM) / Dominican Republican Post website

If you are sending postcards while on vacation most gift shops sell stamps and will take care of mailing the card. The post office in Colonial Zone is on Calle Isabel la Católica across from Colon Park inside the Palacio de Borgellá.

Palacio de Borgellá. The location of the Colonial Zone Post Office.