Tag Archives: nature

Spanish Nature Names & Animal Talk

Names Of Things In Nature / Nombres De Las Cosas En La Naturaleza


Here you will find the names of trees, flowers and animals in Spanish. Some things in Dominican Republic have names that are different than other Spanish speaking countries. Also, how to use animals traits to describe people and the sounds animals make in Spanish.

Trees | Animals | Using Animal Traits to Describe People | Animal Talk | El viejo Juancho tenía una granja (Old McDonald Had a Farm), the song |

A very important Dominicanism to remember is the word vaina. If you do not know what something is just point at it and say la vaina / the thing. This can cover up for many unknown words!

Trees / Árboles

*Almendra – Almond trees. These trees can get quite large and produce a single fruit inside of a flour type bud.

A beautiful Almendra Tree
A beautiful Almendra Tree

*Almacigo – Mastic tree
*Arce – Maple
*Avellano – Hazel
*Caimito – Star apple
*Cajuil – Cashew
*Caoba – Mahogany tree. This tree is the National Tree of Dominican Republic
*Cedro – Cedar
*Cerezo – Cherry tree
*Flamboyant/ Framboyan – Flame Tree or Royal Poinciana. This tree flowers in late spring/ early summer and is very beautiful with its bright red umbrella of flowers.

A beautiful Flamboyant Tree with it's bright red flowers.
A beautiful Flamboyant Tree with it’s bright red flowers.

*Guasábara – Species of cactus that grows in the barren zones of the Dominican Republic
*Higuera – Fig tree

The Grown In Dominican Republic page.

Animals / Animales

(details about many of the Creatures found in Dominican Republic)

*Ardilla – Squirrel
*Cabron – a large male goat
*Cacata – tarantula-type spider (picture and information about the cacata)
*Chinchilín – blackbird
*Chivo – goat
*Cocuyo or Cucuyo – firefly, lightning bug
*Gallina – chicken
*Huron – ferret
*Mono – monkey
*Paloma – Pigeon
*Pavo – turkey
*Peje, Pecao – fish
*Viralata – used to describe a mixed breed dog, and the way they search for food. “Living out of the can”
*Zorrillo – skunk

Using animals traits to describe people

*Burro – (donkey) a gross person
*Conejo – (rabbit) someone whose front teeth are large or missing
*Jirafas – (giraffes) women who excel because of their high stature
*Leon – (lion) a person who always wants to solve a problem by fighting, using fists
*Gallo/ Gallito – (rooster) a person who always wants to solve a problem by fighting, using fists
*Liebre – (hare) a person that cannot be caught when he flees
*Perro – (dog) one that does not have morals and lacks education
*Puerco – (pig) person with bad hygiene
*Pulpo – (squid) type of person that wants everything to be the way he wants it to be, grabs for all of life
*Ratón – (mouse) someone that is of small build
*Rata – (rat) low person without morals or values
*Toro – (bull) person with great force and resistance, bull-headed

How Animals Talk / Cómo los Animales Hablan

Remember the song Old McDonald Had a Farm (The Spanish version is called El Viejo Juancho Tenía Una Granja is on the bottom of this page)? Well, in Spanish the animals make different sounds. Yes, animals living in Spanish speaking countries also speak Spanish. Even though when hearing a Spanish speaking animal make their given noise the sound is the same in my ear, when it hits a Spanish speaking person ear, I guess, the sound is different. The person who’s eardrums are intercepting the sound interprets the animal talk into their own language.

One really never thinks of an animal speaking a different language until you are confronted with it. When in Dominican Republic try calling a cat or dog the way you usually call them. They will ignore you completely (unless you have food that is). They are probably laughing at you inside their little animal heads!

Remember, the little lip popping, kissy sound one makes to call a dog in one country can (and does) mean Attack! in Dominican Republic. A cat will ignore you completely if you call it as you would in English but as soon as you say misu, misu it (may) then pay you attention. I wonder what Doctor Doolittle would do…..

The bees say buzzz in English and Spanish.
The bees say buzzz in English and Spanish.

*Bee – English = bzzzz / Las abejas hacen en español (the bees say in Spanish) = bzzz
*Bird – English = tweet tweet / Los pájaros trinan hacen en español de españa (Spain) = pío pío, Argentina Spanish = pi pi
*Cat – English = meow / El Gato ladra hace español = miau
*Chick – USA English = peep peep / British English=cheep cheep / Español = pío pío
*Cow – English = moo / Las vacas mugen hacen en español = muuu
*Crow – English = caw / Español = cruaaac, cruaaac
*Dog – English = bow wow, arf, woof, ruff ruff / El perro ladra hace español = guau guau or wow wow
*Donkey – English = hee-haw / Costa Rica Spanish = iii-aah, iii-aah
*Dove, pigeon – English = coo / La paloma hace en español = cu-curru-cu-cú
*Duck – English = quack quack / Los Patos hacen en español de españa (Spain) = cuá cuá / Argentina Spanish=cuac cuac
*Frog – English = ribbit / Spain Spanish = La rana croa hace encruá-cruá / Argentina Spanish = berp / Peru Spanish = croac, croac
*Goat – English = baaah / El chivo hace en español = bee bee
*Hen – English = cackle and cluck / Español = coc co co coc
*Horse – English = neigh or whinny / El caballo relincha hace / Colombia Spanish = iiiiou / Paraguay Spanish = ioohoho / Peru Spanish = iiiiii / Spain Spanish = híiiiiiiiii
*Owl – English = hoo / El búho hace en español = uu uu
*Pig – English = oink oink / El cerdo hace en español = oink-oink
*Rooster – English = cock-a-doodle-doo / El gallo canta hace / Spain Spanish = kikirikí / Argentina Spanish = ki-kiri-ki

The chickens in the tree say ki-kiri-ki
The chickens in the tree say ki-kiri-ki

*Sheep – English = baaah / Las ovejas balan; hacen / Spain Spanish = bee / Argentina Spanish = meeee
*Tiger – English = grrrrrr / El tigre hace Spain Spanish = grgrgrgr / Venezuela Spanish = gggrrrrrrr

(my little joke – Tiger – Dominican person speaking in English “Hey BABY”! IE: definition of a tigre in Dominican Spanish is a person who is a womanizer)

El viejo Juancho tenía una granja (Old McDonald Had a Farm)

translated by Paola Ferate-Soto

El viejo Juancho tenía una granja, iai, iai, oo.
Y en su granja tenía un marrano, iai, iai, oo.
Con su oink, oink aquí, con su oink, oink allí,
Aquí oink, allí oink, en todos lados oink, oink.
El viejo Juancho tenía una granja, iai, iai, oo.

The rest of the verses continue:
Vaca: mu, mu
Pollito: pío, pío
Caballo: neigh, neigh
Oveja: bee, bee
Perro: guau, guau
Gato: miau, miau
Pato: cuac, cuac

Creatures Of Dominican Republic 4 – Pictures

Creatures of the Dominican Republic – Pictures

Miscellaneous pictures of different creatures found in The Dominican Republic

Under The Dominican Sea | Miscelaneous Pictures

Under the Caribbean Sea with Buddy.

Beautiful images of the aquatic life under the waters of Dominican Republic. This slide show presentation has many amazing shots. All are available for sale for framing.

Swimming with the fish
Swimming with the fish

Contact us here at jan@colonialzone-dr.com and let me know what you’re interested in and I will get you in touch with the photographer so you can discuss what you want.
Under The Dominican Sea

The invasive Lion Fish
The invasive Lion Fish

Under The Dominican Sea

Miscelaneous Pictures

Dominican crocodile - Cayman in Lago Enriquillo
Dominican crocodile – Cayman in Lago Enriquillo
a small Chameleon hiding in a tree
a small Chameleon hiding in a tree
Iguana at Lago Enriquillo
Iguana at Lago Enriquillo
Crab on Playita Montecino
Crab on Playita Montecino
Small Carb known as a Jaiba
Small Carb known as a Jaiba
A small falcon - American Kestrel also known as a Cuyaya or Ser Nicolá
A small falcon – American Kestrel also known as a Cuyaya or Ser Nicolá
A peacock (in Spansih Pavo Real) that lives in Case Reales in Colonial Zone
A peacock (in Spansih Pavo Real) that lives in Case Reales in Colonial Zone
A House Centipede better known as a Thousand Legger
A House Centipede better known as a Thousand Legger
Ants dining on a large Cockroach
Ants dining on a large Cockroach
An amazing bee hive on the side of the Ruinas San Nicolas de Bari in the Colonial Zone
An amazing bee hive on the side of the Ruinas San Nicolas de Bari in the Colonial Zone
Honey Bees enjoying a small piece of candy.
Honey Bees enjoying a small piece of candy.
A humming bird enjoyiong some nectar.
A humming bird enjoyiong some nectar.

Creatures Of Dominican Republic 3 – Winged

Creatures of The Dominican Republic – Winged

Some of the birds and creatures with winds found in The Dominican Republic.

The Hispaniolan Woodpecker/ Pájaro Carpintero de la Hispaniola | The Village Weaver / Madame Sagá | Black Witch Moth | Vine Sphinx Moth (Eumorpha vitis)

The Hispaniolan Woodpecker/ Pájaro Carpintero de la Hispaniola (Melanerpes striatus)

The Hispaniolan Woodpecker - Pájaro Carpintero de la Hispaniola in Zona Colonial
The Hispaniolan Woodpecker – Pájaro Carpintero de la Hispaniola in Zona Colonial

The Hispaniola Woodpecker is a medium-sized woodpecker is only found on the Caribbean island of Hispaniola in the countries of Dominican Republic and Haiti. They can be found throughout the entire island.

This noisy woodpecker travels in groups and is very social, unlike most woodpeckers. They also watch out for other colonies members nesting young.

The Hispaniolan Woodpecker in the Colonial Zone
The Hispaniolan Woodpecker in the Colonial Zone

They are easily spotted because of their pointy beaks, their yellow and black striped body feathers, their greenish grey rump and the distinctive red head. Of course, these birds have the noticeable red on their heads. The males red striped goes from the forehead to their heck and the female species red markings are much smaller and can only be seen extending from the nape to its neck.

A Hispaniolan Woodpecker/ Pájaro Carpintero de la Hispaniola on the wall of the Alcazar Colón
A Hispaniolan Woodpecker/ Pájaro Carpintero de la Hispaniola on the wall of the Alcazar Colón

Here in the Dominican Republic, many parts of the country do not like these boisterous birds. One of their favorite nesting places is in cacao (cocoa) trees damaging the tree and they also like to poke through the seed pod making it easy access for insects and other organisms that can damage the crop. According to (http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/09670878509370969#preview) pod damage was assessed at 3.7% in 1981 and 3.5% in 1982, close to the 4% estimate by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Dominican Republic. The Ministry established a bounty program on the Hispaniola Woodpecker in 1976, our study suggested this bounty should be discontinued. The program was found to be not cost effective, and did not reduce damage, and had an adverse effect on other avifauna.


Madame Sagá also known as The Village Weaver (Ploceus cucullatus)

The yellow and blackish brown Village Weaver sitting atop the round nest he built in the trees of Parque Colon in the Colonial Zone.
The yellow and blackish brown Village Weaver sitting atop the round nest he built in the trees of Parque Colon in the Colonial Zone.

Madame Sagá was first record in Dominican Republic in 1796 originally arriving as a cage bird on the slave ships from Africa. In Africa there are many species in this family. They are common all over the country now and only recently have been spotted in the Colonial Zone of Santo Domingo.

The male is usually bright orange to yellow with a black hood, brown nape and red iris. The female is yellow-green. To me, a person not very knowledgeable about birds, they looked bright yellow with black heads and beaks with red eyes. They are eye-catching easy to spot.

Madame Sagá entering the round nest through the small opening in the trees of Parque Colón in the Colonial Zone.
Madame Sagá entering the round nest through the small opening in the trees of Parque Colón in the Colonial Zone.

The males build the round nests with a small opening. They are nicely woven usually using with palm leaves. Then he waits hoping the female will choose him because he is the best mate and nest builder. They nest in colonies laying between 2 to 4 pale green to blue eggs between April and September. You can usually hear them before you see these bright birds are their colonies can be very loud especially in the mornings.

The nest of the Madame Sagá / Village Weaver close-up
The nest of the Madame Sagá / Village Weaver close-up

Madame Sagá feeds on rice and grains making it very unpopular with the rice and millet farmers. This pretty and noisy bird may be small but it loves to eat and eat. They are considered pests by the Dominican farmers.

The Black Witch Moth (Ascalapha odorata)

The Black Witch Moth bringer of good fortune or death picture taken in Dominican Republic
The Black Witch Moth bringer of good fortune or death picture taken in Dominican Republic

The Black Witch Moth is called so because is considered to be a warning of death in Mexican and some places in the Caribbean. Other places in the Caribbean this giant moth is considered to bring good luck by blessing people with money. In Spanish it is known as “Mariposa de la muerte”. It is also called the Bat Moth because it is close in size to a small bat.

The Black Witch Moth close up in a dorway in Zona Colonial, Dominican Republic
The Black Witch Moth close up in a dorway in Zona Colonial, Dominican Republic

This huge moth starts out as a large caterpillar that can be up to 3 inches in length. It has beautiful intricate patterns of black and greenish brown spots and stripes. These caterpillars grow into the large moths with the males wing span reaching up to 7 inches and many are even bigger. Their markings are very beautiful and at night, when they usually fly, they are many times mistaken for a bat because of their size. They will not hurt you and are lovely to watch.

A beautifully colored Ascalapha odorata / Black Witch Moth in Dominican Republic close-up
A beautifully colored Ascalapha odorata / Black Witch Moth in Dominican Republic close-up

Black Witch Moth caterpillars eat legumes and especially like acacia and mesquite. They are harmless and not considered to be a pest. They do not have stingers or teeth.

Black Witch Moth in Dominican Republic has a very large wind span
Black Witch Moth in Dominican Republic has a very large wind span

They originally were found in Mexico and Central America but now can be found in North America as well.

Vine Sphinx Moth (Eumorpha vitis)

The beautiful Vine Sphinx Moth is a nectar feeder. They enjoy dining on the nectar of orchids, jimsonweed, and periwinkle. The caterpillar prefers vines, in which to hide. Grapevines are their favorites.

Vine Sphinx Moth in Santo Domingo Este near Puerto San Souci, Dominican Republic.
Vine Sphinx Moth in Santo Domingo Este near Puerto San Souci, Dominican Republic.

The colors are black to brown with a touch of pink on the back winds where they connect to the body.

They do not bite and are not dangerous in any way. Some farmers consider the bright green caterpillar to be a nuisance because they like to dine on grapevine leaves.

I took this picture of the Vine Sphinx Moth in Santo Domingo Este, Dominican Republic, near Puerto San Souci.

Continue learning about The Creatures of Dominican Republic – Page 4 Pictures